a cutting-edge technology enables any print or digital image to say lot more in an interactive & engaging way!
publishers can enable AR technology to increase the sales & also to deliver better visual & audio interactive experience to the readers.
Increases foot traffic & creates lot of buzz about the product, as per the latest survey participants valueing the AR products 40% higher to non-AR products.
Augmented reality enables gamers to experience 3d games in real world environment with lot of physical interaction!
Expo Presentation......
We are a line-up of passionate engineers,developers & designers with lot of creative thinking & bussiness knowledge.
Games, industrial applications
& AR applications
Games,apps,industrial apps
Youngest Teen Prodigies Right Now, Google should be knocking on his doorstep sometime soon.
ALEX BRACETTI, Complex.com
Teen prodigy creates tablet PC.
Amazing Teens: 40 Students Who Changed The World In 2011! .